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10 - Busselton Drive-in Outdoor Cinema

Busselton Drive-in Cinemas

Permanently closed in March 2015, owner Ron Jones submitted plans to the City of Busselton to rezone the land for a retirement village development.

The demise of the drive-in cinemas was largely brought about by the introduction of television in the home, a long history ago. Despite this, the cinema had managed to continue to some degree since the late 50's.

The lack of day light savings during the warmer periods was also a contributing factor to the decline in its popularity, as movie sessions couldn't start until dark. This could be as late as 9pm in January.

Ron's father Allan had started the family business as a travelling picture show in 1923. Movies in this early period of the twentieth century were played as hand-cranked silent films.

The Busselton Drive-in Cinema was established in 1960, with two more soon opening up in the following years in Manjimup and Margaret River.

At the time of taking these photos in February 2022, it appeared that demolition of the site's only building was in its early stages but nevertheless, starting. Fast forward to November 2023 and surprisingly, it appears that little has changed, nor progressed.

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