NSW Interesting
Media Releases
17 October

23 September

Innovative program gets Youth on Track
Police and teachers will refer young offenders to early intervention services as part of a $14.5 million program to help break the cycle of crime.
Veterans to mentor juvenile detainees
Returned soldiers and other military personnel will have the opportunity to mentor young offenders in custody, providing positive role models and helping to reduce the rate of reoffending.
10 September
Kariong Juvenile Correctional Centre to close
Juvenile offenders at Kariong Juvenile Correctional Centre will be relocated and the centre reconfigured to house minimum security adult inmates from early 2015.
04 April
27 February
Upgrade of Cobham Juvenile Justice Centre
Emu Plains Juvenile Justice Centre has closed following the completion of three new accommodation units at the Cobham Juvenile Justice Centre in St Marys.
Early intervention to keep Youth on Track
The NSW government has announced a new early intervention scheme for juveniles as young as 10, designed to prevent them becoming entrenched in criminal behaviour.

09 June
NSW Government orders review of Bail Act
The NSW Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Greg Smith SC, will hand out ‘pardons’ to ‘inmates’ who take part in the Whitelion bailout event at Yasmar Juvenile Detention Centre tomorrow.
13 May

Attorney General hands out pardons
The NSW Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Greg Smith SC, will hand out ‘pardons’ to ‘inmates’ who take part in the Whitelion bailout event at Yasmar Juvenile Detention Centre tomorrow.
11 November
08 October
Bail Assistance Line launched in the Newcastle-Hunter Region
An after-hours service designed to ensure young people eligible for bail are not kept in custody has begun in the Newcastle/Hunter Region.
New drug detection dogs get to work
After 10 weeks of intensive training, a pair of specialist drug detection dogs have now begun conducting searches for illicit drugs in NSW juvenile justice centres.

15 July
23 March

New service to support Aboriginal young offenders in Western Sydney
Link-Up (NSW) Aboriginal Corporation has been selected to provide support services for the Bail Assistance Line.
New support for homeless young offenders
A new pilot program run by Juvenile Justice and Community Services, will link homeless young offenders to extra supports to keep them out of custody and help reduce their chance of reoffending.
14 December
Intensive supervision program reduces crime
The $5.5 million Intensive Supervision program, a youth crime program which
intensively tackles the causes behind young people re-offending, was launched in Western
Sydney and Newcastle last year.
06 August
NSW Government Funding for New Drug Rehabilitation Program
Minister for Juvenile Justice, Graham West, today announced a $20,000 grant for the trial of Self Management and Recovery Training (SMART), a new drug and alcohol program at Frank Baxter Juvenile Justice Centre.
06 July

30 March
NSW Government funding for ACMF
The Minister for Juvenile Justice and Youth, Graham West, today granted $40,000 to Don Spencer’s Australian Children’s Music Foundation (ACMF) to support music programs for young offenders in detention.
Young offenders learn to save lives
Young offenders at Riverina Juvenile Justice Centre were today presented with their
Bronze Medallion certificates, recognising their efforts in developing the required level of
knowledge to perform water rescues.
10 February
Mentors to make a difference in the lives of young offenders
Twenty two volunteer mentors from South East Sydney graduated last week from a NSW
Government - funded mentoring program aimed at reducing reoffending among young people.
31 August
Minister launches juvenile justice website
The Department of Juvenile Justice today hoisted its banner in the electronic communications arena with the launching of its website as www.djj.nsw.gov.au