So far on” Who are you” we’ve had mostly Pro’s, but what about the rest of you out there across the globe? For every pro there’s dozens trying to make it more than just a past time. Just because you don’t draw a wage from the very thing you love doesn’t mean that you’re not passionate about it. Well this time HTN goes across the globe to Australia to catch up with a rider who will most likely beat you out of a start gate. Not only that but they race in one of the most intense forms of racing. Forget 4X, Mega avalanche, or even a XC race. This form of racing has been around for years. It’s super fast, close contact, with 8 in the gate. Yep it’s BMX racing. Good people of HardTailNation let me introduce you to Delphine Jamet.
1. Who are you? I’m a 28 year old BMX rider who still pretends to be 15. I work, live and sleep to ride.
2. Where do you live? I live in a house. It’s close to 3 BMX tracks.
3. What do you do for a living? I slave my guts away in a polystyrene factory and study full-time at Uni doing my Bachelor in Counter Terrorism and Security Intelligence. I plan to get married someday so Counter Terrorism will come in handy! (So you best behave you boys. Ed.)
4. What's the best thing about your job? I’ve got plenty of time to read magazines and play UNO on my iPhone because the machines are easy to run most of the time.
5. What's the worst thing about it? I work with a stubborn, older guy who is so frustrating, I think I’m working in a mental ward!
6. What kind of riding do you do? Racing and heaps of street riding – dodging cars, running pedestrians over and fine tuning my racing skills against local government authorities.
7. What’s the scene like near you? I’m not really into the scene because I am very unsociable! I heard it’s good.
8. You race BMX, how did that come about? I picked up a bike when I was 2. I was born to ride, I just wished I started racing then instead of just a few years ago.
9. How do you like racing BMX? I love free riding on the track and jumping the tabletops and triples. I hate the stress of a major comp.
10. Is it pretty serious and a few egos to deal with or is it pretty laid back? There are a few egos to contend with but you get that in every sport. Most are laid back, some are pushed too hard by the parentals but otherwise, it’s pretty sweet.
11. You raced the Nationals. How did that go? Last year Nationals was sweet. It was the first time I didn’t have to be such a wuss with the height of the ramp, so I came number 2. I’m at the airport now leaving for this year’s Nationals and I’m not liking my chances of holding that plate number but I know I will place Finals in Cruiser. (This interview was done just prior to the 2010 Nationals. Ed.)
12. Did you keep your 2A plate? I hope I get to keep the 2A plate. It’s going to stay on my bike because it’s from my sponsor. I heard you’re not allowed to if you don’t get that number again, so sue me!
13. Can you explain the race plates? A, AA etc? I don’t ride Elite yet but I think A is for riders who haven't made more than $500 in winnings. AA is for all other Elite riders.
14. What bike do you ride? I ride a 2008 Redline cruiser. I have a hot pink Felt 20″ frame with Redline standard race parts. I’m not a technical person when it comes to bikes.
15. Any trick parts? The 20″ has a flip flop hub, does that count?
16. How do you train? I love riding 40km on the cruiser and then riding 2 hours in the city, jumping every kerb, drain and obstacle I can. I reckon by the end of the year, I should be able to jump over a car bonnet. So far this year I’ve raced twice but when I come back from Nats, I’m going to go hardcore. Even though I seem to say that every year!
17. Who are your heroes? I don’t discriminate. If you ride a bike, I love you!
18. Where would you like to go that you haven’t yet? Camp Woodward of course!
19. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Keep pedalling?
20. What’s the best advice you’ve given? Chase and beat the person in front of you and then work your way up the food chain until you're number one.
21. What’s on your iPod? Everything from Metallica, Pink, Tranceglobal Airways, Scooter, Hanson, the 187 soundtrack, Nirvana, Greenday, Eminem and a couple hundred more artists!
22. What are your likes? Food that I don’t have to cook, Monster Juice drinks, riding BMX after a bourbon session (don’t do this at home kiddies!), sleep ins and playing Canus Canem on PS2.
23. What are your dislikes? Healthy diets, coming last in a race, classical music and wet or cold race meets.
24. Any funny stories? I jumped a kerb in a blind spot the other day with way too much speed and just missed 2 bicycle cops as they were riding up to the end of the street – missed them by some 20cm! I just kept riding and it was all sweeeet!
25. Any thanks? Thanks to all my sponsors and everyone who stops me to give me riding advice on the track or on Facebook. So there you have it. I’m sure you’ll join me and wish Delphine all the best. A very fast lady indeed. If you fancy having crack at BMX racing then have a look for a club near you. It’ll teach you a great deal about bike riding and how to hold your nerve. Ed.
