John Rawls' concept of The Veil of Ignorance promotes belief that we should make decisions based on what we believe is more beneficial to the other person without determining their status position, ethnicity or sex. Once we learn more about the other person, we tend to allow ourselves to become swallowed up in stereotypes and prejudicial verdicts that affects the way we make a righteous decision, whether consciously or unconsciously. If we could learn to turn a blind eye to human difference, discrimination could decrease proportionately.
Politicians tend to initiate policy and rules that benefit mainstream society. In a way, they are blindfolded about the type of people they'll be reaching out to, although generally in a middle or higher class. They could take advantage of examining those in an unfair or restricted position to evaluate what type of policy would do them best, even though they would be taking into account racial and varied clauses of discrimination. In this light, it is the only way to resolve differences and bring them into line with the rest of society. But this would require an excessive amount of cost, time and related resources that the rest of society don't receive because they are generalised.
Distributive justice entails two components - how we should distribute freedom and how we should distribute opportunities. People believe that we should all be treated the same or else it implies partiality but for the minorities, they habit a more disadvantaged level in society, outcasted and given unpreferred treatment. If we were to give them special treatment, they could be brought in line with the majority of the population and begin a life of equal fairness and opportunities. Should we then focus on giving people special advantages who we deem as in need when our view of 'those in need' could conflict others?
People living in poverty have opportunities to receive food and bill vouchers where as mainstream society have to work for everything they have, even though they may be equipped with a higher standing in society, better education and advantageous starting in life.