Survey on
Youth Present
in the City (2011)
This survey was presented to people who identify themselves as the ‘Chase Crew’ (youth hanging around Perth City’s Forrest Chase from 2003 – 2007)’ and the ‘Centrals’ (youth hanging around Perth’s Central Park from 2007 – now).
The aim of the survey is to provide a general picture of the type of youth hanging around the streets or living on the streets.
Fifty Facebook participants who were known to hang around the areas were given a private link to the survey on
“What drugs have you used?” is the only question participants could choose more than one answer to.
From the author’s personal experiences, the ratio of females responding to this survey closely reflects females hanging around the streets compared to males.
*What is your age bracket?
10 – 17 8 %
18 – 25 62 %
26 - 35 28 %
36 - 100 + 2 %
Female 74 %
Male 26 %
*How long have you lived on the streets?
Never 16 %
1 day - 3 months 18 %
3 months - 6 months 16 %
6 months - 1 year 10 %
1 year - 2 years 10 %
2 years or more 30 %
*What is the MAIN reason you lived on the streets?
Never lived on the streets 16 %
Personal choice/boredom/adventure 10 %
Hated home/didn't get on well with family/kicked out 46 %
Have no family/nowhere else to go 6 %
Drugs 6%
Didn't want to live in hostels/foster care 0 %
Other 16 %
*How many times have you been arrested?
Never 30 %
1 time 8 %
2 - 5 times 32 %
6 - 10 times 10 %
11 times or more 20 %
*Have you been to juvenile detention?
No 72 %
Yes 28 %
*What drugs have you used?
Alcohol 98 %
Tobacco cigarettes 94 %
Marijuana 86 %
Heroin/Morphine 36 %
Amphetamines/Dexamphetamine 64 %
Ecstasy 72 %
LSD 56 %
Solvents (petrol, paint, glue etc.) 32 %
Cocaine 40 %
Benzodiazepines 54 %
(Valium, Temarzipan, Serepax etc.)
*Have you ever felt suicidal?
No 14 %
Yes 86 %
*Have you ever self-harmed (cut your wrists, lighter smiley faces etc.)?
No 24 %
Yes 76 %
*Have you ever dealt drugs?
No 32 %
Yes 68 %
*What is the highest education you've completed?
Primary school 4 %
Year 8 0 %
Year 9 18 %
Year 10 26 %
Year 11 18 %
Year 12 12 %
TAFE 18 %
University 4 %
Other 0 %