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Survey on Youth Present in the City.png

Survey on

Youth Present

in the City (2011)

  • This survey was presented to people who identify themselves as the ‘Chase Crew’ (youth hanging around Perth City’s Forrest Chase from 2003 – 2007)’ and the ‘Centrals’ (youth hanging around Perth’s Central Park from 2007 – now).

  • The aim of the survey is to provide a general picture of the type of youth hanging around the streets or living on the streets.

  • Fifty Facebook participants who were known to hang around the areas were given a private link to the survey on

  • “What drugs have you used?” is the only question participants could choose more than one answer to.

  • From the author’s personal experiences, the ratio of females responding to this survey closely reflects females hanging around the streets compared to males.


*What is your age bracket?
10 – 17                                     8 %
18 – 25                                   62 %
26 - 35                                    28 %
36 - 100 +                                2 %

Female                                   74 %
Male                                       26 %

*How long have you lived on the streets?
Never                                     16 %
1 day - 3 months                    18 %
3 months - 6 months              16 %
6 months - 1 year                   10 %
1 year - 2 years                      10 %
2 years or more                      30 %

*What is the MAIN reason you lived on the streets?
Never lived on the streets                                                 16 %
Personal choice/boredom/adventure                                10 %
Hated home/didn't get on well with family/kicked out       46 %
Have no family/nowhere else to go                                     6 %
Drugs                                                                                   6%
Didn't want to live in hostels/foster care                              0 %
Other                                                                                  16 %

*How many times have you been arrested?
Never                                                                                 30 %
1 time                                                                                   8 %
2 - 5 times                                                                          32 %
6 - 10 times                                                                        10 %
11 times or more                                                                20 %

*Have you been to juvenile detention?
No                                                                                      72 %
Yes                                                                                     28 %


*What drugs have you used?
Alcohol                                                                               98 %
Tobacco cigarettes                                                            94 %
Marijuana                                                                           86 %
Heroin/Morphine                                                                36 %
Amphetamines/Dexamphetamine                                     64 %
Ecstasy                                                                              72 %
LSD                                                                                    56 %
Solvents (petrol, paint, glue etc.)                                       32 %
Cocaine                                                                              40 %
Benzodiazepines                                                                54 %
(Valium, Temarzipan, Serepax etc.)

*Have you ever felt suicidal?
No                                                                                      14 %
Yes                                                                                     86 %

*Have you ever self-harmed (cut your wrists, lighter smiley faces etc.)?
No                                                                                      24 %
Yes                                                                                     76 %

*Have you ever dealt drugs?
No                                                                                      32 %
Yes                                                                                     68 %

*What is the highest education you've completed?
Primary school                                                                     4 %
Year 8                                                                                   0 %
Year 9                                                                                  18 %
Year 10                                                                                26 %
Year 11                                                                                18 %
Year 12                                                                                12 %
TAFE                                                                                    18 %
University                                                                               4 %
Other                                                                                      0 %

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