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12 - Lost Drain Tunnel

VOC Drain Tunnel

Big shout out to Simon for finding this tunnel. For some reason, I was thinking it was last accessible in 2019 but realised it was actually 1999. Pretty sure. I definitely can't give this one out to a single soul as I promised Simon but it's located pretty close to the beach and I remember there was a second one like this one not too far off. Oneday, I'll make the time and effort and see if there's any sign of it, if I can remember roughly where it was located.

Recently in June 2024, the location of this tunnel was shared publicly on social media. So of course, like many other places, it's just a matter of time before this tunnel becomes hot, maggots spray crap on the walls of history and the tunnel is then sealed for good. The same person, a self-proclaimed expert of tunnels in Perth, shared it online despite once having somewhat good intentions about keeping places like this quiet.

Whilst the same could be said for myself, I try to keep the locations of all places like this as quiet as possible and upon posting photos, don't make its location obvious.


There are a few who care more for their ego than history and become abusive when they are not able to grasp the concept that not everyone is like them. Which makes documenting history nothing short of contentious and no surprise why so many places in Perth remain unavailable to the public or secretive borderline myth-like.


Many war tunnels from 'back in the day' - presumably around World War 2 - have since been either sealed or repurposed as drains.

This tunnel was used by an industrial company that was located some 50m from the entrance and above on the hill level. A small jetty serviced the tunnel, very likely with imports and exports until a railway was established on the hill. It incorporated no less than six sidings to service the nine or so industrial companies in close proximity, taking goods to and from the port some distance away by way of the main railway line.

On his 14th birthday, a young boy in the company of his friends accidentally lit some gunpowder in the tunnel. The severe burns he suffered caused him to pass away a few days later. He'd found the black powder in a nearby military tip and thinking it to be camouflage face paint, he took it. Perhaps he thought he could melt the granules to form a thick paint paste. His friends managed to escape without injury and alerted nearby locals who called for an ambulance.

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