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06 - Ocean Reef Service Station

Ocean Reef Service Station

It's hardly surprising that it's not just the southern suburbs like Rockingham who have the feral trashy kids (think Rockingham, Hotel, Liquid Nightclub and Rockingham Aged Care Home), judging from some of the places you see in the northern suburbs like this old service station.


Of course, there's the usual trashy crap all over the walls and the only good pieces have been scribbled over (jealousy is a curse).


Just like most abandoned places these days, boys obsessively drawing male genitals in a bid to show the world their desires.


A boy around the age of 15 was inside standing around on his phone. Shortly after I went to photograph the shopping centre, someone who appeared to be his girlfriend, met him inside and together they began trashing the place and smashing glass. Bet they felt so proud of themselves! They should've stayed in school. Come to think of it, perhaps the school had given up on them a long time ago. (Hardly surprising to be honest!) Thankfully the twats didn't stay long and the boy rode off on his teenybopper scooter with the girl running after him.


But that's what the scene's like these days. Plenty of feral nutsacks ruining it, presumably because they have nothing going for them in their miserable lives and take it out in the only places they can.


The service station was demolished in September 2023 along with the shopping centre behind it. Guess the feral kids will just move on to the next place!

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