Perth OTR Service Station
The History
Located on 397m² on Brisbane Street in Perth, this old Liberty service station (previously Gull) is located on a property encompassing two lots. There is limited property history available for this site:
Listed for Sale Expressions of Interest on 20 February 2018
Listed for Sale Expressions of Interest on 1 October 2019
Sold on 30 September 2020 for $2,310,000 to OTR (On The Run) convenience chain.
Established as a family business in South Australia in 1984, the Peregrine Corporation found their beginnings when founder Fred Shahin fled civil unrest in the Middle East and came to Australia for a fresh start. Previously an auditor for the United Nations, Mr Shahin turned to employment as an accountant before capitalizing on an opportunity he saw in a local Woodville Park service station that was up for sale with an adjoining home.
What started out as BP Woodville Park Motors with both sons joining the administration of the business to develop new ideas and skills, led to the company soon expanding to include more service stations to their portfolio. Fast forward some 39 years and the company now have a chain of more than 175 OTR stores Australia wide. It all just started with a single opportunity!
01 - December 2021

Early Days
On 15 September 1986, the City of Perth approved a planning application for a service station to be built on the property with an ancillary mechanical workshop/lube bay. This included space for the construction of an office, small shop and associated storage over 200m².
In 1994 when the Town of Vincent was created, the service station fell into the jurisdiction of the newly formed council.
On 24 June 2021, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (p.6) responded to a complaint made from a neighbouring premises, which consisted of a number of offices over two properties. A gas odour could be smelt from inside but not out. With the assistance of the Town of Vincent, Department of Health and Department of Mines Industry Regulation & Safety, further investigation determined that the cause of the odour was due to a leak stemming from the closed down service station. This had caused the soil and groundwater in a south-west direction to become contaminated, affecting the property inside with high levels of benzene gas (exposure increases the chances of developing leukaemia and other blood disorders, although "90% of benzene exposures come from smoking"). A "soil vapour extraction system was installed" at the service station, which successfully lowered the gas levels within the subject properties to a safe level, although monitoring was required for some time after.
Development Application
On 16 November 2021, the City of Vincent approved the application made on behalf of the Peregrine Corporation to alter and add to the existing service station:
Remove the existing mechanical workshop to expand the size of the store
The existing fuel browsers and its four refuelling positions would be maintained
Install new fuel tanks and fuel lines
Upgrade the existing building facades
Operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Previously, Liberty service station had operated from 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 7am to 1pm on Saturdays.
Interestingly at any of the OTR chains Australia-wide, you can pay for your petrol using cryptocurrency, as well as purchase anything instore using your Crypto.com phone app!
02 - December 2023