Kingstown Barracks - Army Assault Court
I just had to stop and take photos of local resident Thomas doing his chin-up training on the Army Assault Course, although he'd pretty much finished up but kindly did one last one for me.
There was something about watching him that made it so awesome.
Perhaps imagining soldiers doing that here back in the day. It suddenly felt so much more surreal and important. Even if it was just an assault training course.
Unfortunately it looks like I've accidently lost some of the info Thomas told me but if my memory serves me right, which occasionally it does, he was a traveller who'd been living and working on the island for a number of years. I think he said he was Spanish and in his mid-30's.

Kingstown Barracks - D.I.D. Stores
Department of Interior Defence Stores. Also a railway station, although it is unknown whether or not that was the case at the same time or at a later time.

Kingstown Barracks - M.O.B. Shed
M.O.B. (Saw Tooth) Shed
M.O.B. - Main Operating Base?

Kingstown Barracks - Power Engine Room