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Delphine Jamet
Apr 1, 2023
First World Problems in the Real World
First World Problems in the real world, they pale in scale. We're all fighting. We're all struggling to get by.
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Delphine Jamet
Jul 7, 2021
The Housing Crisis of Modern Times
With hundreds of people applying for the one rental alone, is it any wonder thousands of people are struggling to find accommodation?
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Delphine Jamet
Nov 22, 2020
Pushing Self-Created Limits
Pushing the limits helps us grow. Learning new things helps our mind expand, potentially leading to new opportunities and experiences.
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Delphine Jamet
Mar 30, 2020
The Time Warp of 2020
The city streets are empty of the typical weekday city crowds, cars and commuters. No more people than the digits on my hands.
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Delphine Jamet
Feb 14, 2019
Generations of Change... It's Outrageous!
Even though I was fairly young in the late 1980's, one of my strongest memories was how relaxed everything about life seemed to be
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Delphine Jamet
Dec 8, 2018
Pony, the Orangutan Prostitute and the Legalities of Bestiality
Most countries have laws against cruelty to animals and zoophilia but this doesn't stop the disgusting acts of sexual violence
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Delphine Jamet
Aug 24, 2018
Prime Minister Scott Morrison's Win... Now I Understand!
Scott Morrison won against Peter Dutton and Julie Bishop before deposing Malcolm Turnbull to become Australia's 30th Prime Minster
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Delphine Jamet
Dec 3, 2015
Why They Want You To FAIL… (and How To Live The Life You Want!)
Goals are a refreshing boost of motivation to help redefine one’s life and find the embedded life plan that is built inside of us all
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Delphine Jamet
Dec 1, 2015
How to Beat Your Biggest Critic and Succeed!
Apparently your biggest critic is yourself but there sure are a lot of people who are happy to waste their energy cutting you down
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Delphine Jamet
Jan 7, 2015
The Bucket List that Helps You Live Life!
A goal that's not written down is just a wish. Life is short. Are you going to follow the general routine of life or change route?
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